Grassroots Advocacy

Take one or more of these actions to get started today.

Congress at Home

Taking Action/Contacting Lawmakers

See what bills our Diabetes Advocates are taking action on right NOW!
Two smiling young women looking at laptop computer and sharing their diabetes stories

Sharing your Diabetes Story

Your story helps the cause of the diabetes community on Capitol Hill.
Smiling group of four young adults

Recruiting Advocates

Help us empower others to have a voice in this fight. Recruit your friends, neighbors, and family!
Four people holding up social graphics images in front of their faces

Using Your Platform

Like, comment, share! Social media can be a powerful way to engage, influence, and inform your audience of our priorities.

Become a Diabetes Advocate

Your voice is a powerful tool, and when it’s amplified alongside our over 4000,000 Diabetes Advocates, diabetes doesn’t stand a chance. Will you join the ranks and shout to end diabetes discrimination, shout for insulin affordability, shout for Health Equity Now?

Diabetes Advocacy Priorities

Learn about our state, federal, and legal advocacy priorities and find out how they support research funding, health care access, and more!