

It’s a great time to get moving.

Whether you're just getting started or are an experienced athlete, regular physical activity is an important part of diabetes management.
Three smiling young women on power walk in park on nice summer afternoon

Regular exercise can help put you back in control of your life.

If you’re not into regular exercise, putting together an exercise plan can be a bummer.

But remember, along with your diet and medications, regular physical activity is an important part of managing diabetes or dealing with prediabetes. Because when you’re active, your cells become more sensitive to insulin so it works more effectively to lower your blood glucose, also known as blood sugar. (You might notice that exercising sometimes raises your blood glucose, find out why.)

Exercise just makes you feel better. So, however you want to do it—taking regular walks around the block, going for a run, or signing up for a marathon—getting started is the most important part.

Get started. But get started safely.

It doesn’t matter where you are physically. If you’ve never set foot in a gym, that’s okay—as long as you start doing something now. If you haven’t been very active or are worried about your health, it’s important to consult your doctor and start slowly.

Light walking is a great place to start—and a great habit to incorporate into your life. Walk with a loved one or just by yourself while listening to an audio book. Set goals every day and meet them and you’ll start feeling like you’re back in control of your life. Learn more about how to get started safely.

Even little changes make a big difference

If you’re still struggling with getting started or feeling overwhelmed by the idea of starting a more active life, take heart: every change, no matter how small, makes a difference in your ability to manage diabetes. Even losing 10-15 pounds can have a significant impact on your health. The power to change is firmly in your hands—so get moving today.

Need some inspiration?

Check out articles, tips, and tricks to help you along your fitness journey:

Stepping Up to Diabetes—The Power of Walking
We all know regular exercise is an essential part of managing and preventing diabetes and staying healthy. Use this walking plan to give you a leg up on fitness.

The Benefits of Walking
Walking is one of the easiest activities to start with, and most people with diabetes can do it.

Getting 150 minutes weekly
Don’t worry: Tackling 150 minutes of exercise is much easier than you might think!

Putting the fun in fitness
Exercise is often recommended prescription-style, not suggested as a fun part of life. Reframing physical activity is key.

Break a sitting streak
Breaking up sedentary time with light activity can help reduce health risks while netting you stronger muscles and burning calories.

The importance of balance training
As we age, we typically lose muscle mass, and as a result, we lose strength. That's why balance training is key.

Working out with video games
Over the past decade or so, a number of developers have created video games designed to get players of all ages on their feet.

Sports drinks impact on glucose (blood sugar)
Dehydration can lead to mildly higher blood sugar levels or significant spikes in your blood sugar.